

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to
and the verbs below.
be (x2) have not have not use not want
1 She
married, but she isn't married any
2 He
short hair, but now it's really short!
3 In the past, people
social media, but now
they use it all the time.
4 'You
a motorbike, did you?' 'No, but I want
one now.'
5 My favourite actor
a moustache, but he
shaved it off.
6 I'm not scared of spiders, but I
when I was

POMOCY DAJE NAJ 1 Complete The Sentences With The Correct Form Of Used To And The Verbs Below Be X2 Have Not Have Not Use Not Want 1 She Married But She Isnt M class=