
Pomocy zadanie niżej
''find out some information about inventions''

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Did you know that the blue laser, windshield wipers, and even the paper clip are Polish inventions? Unfortunately, none of the inventors made a gigantic fortune from them, and many of them were even passed on to others without a patent. However, it is worth reminding the most famous inventions created by our compatriots.


Holograms known from science-fiction movies and used e. g. in the Underground of the Market Square in Krakow were invented by Polish physics professor Mieczysław Wolfke.

Bulletproof vest

The inventors of the bulletproof vest were Jan Szczepanik and Kazimierz Zeglen. Their idea was simple. The force of the ball was to be dampened by successive layers of material. His invention saved the life of King Alfonso XIII of Spain in 1902 when an assassination attempt was being prepared. The news of this brought Szczepanik worldwide fame. For the following years, the invention was constantly improved independently of Polish inventions, so that it could withstand the force of more and more perfect bullets.