
Połącz połowy zdań tak by utworzyły logiczne sentencje II okresu warunkowego

1. If I lived in Australia,
2. I wouldn`t feel lonely
3. I would save as much money as possible
4. If I didn`t go to school,
5. I`d call her
6. If I ate more fruit and vegetables,
7. If you knew the answer,
8. If I could play a musical instrument,
9. I would see lions and elephants
10. If I were on a reality TV show,

a. I`d join a band.
b. I wouldn`t learn anything.
c. I would become famous.
d. if I had more friends.
e. I wouldn`t tell you!
f. if I travelled to Kenya.
g. if I found a good job.
h. I`d be healthier.
i. I would go surfing every day.
j. if I knew her phone number.

Odpowiedź :

1. If I lived in Australia, i. I would go surfing every day.

2. I wouldn't feel lonely d. if I had more friends.

3. I would save as much money as possible g. if I found a good job.

4. If I didn't go to school, b. I wouldn't learn anything.

5. I'd call her j. if I knew her phone number.

6. If I ate more fruit and vegetables, h. I'd be healthier.

7. If you knew the answer, e. I wouldn't tell you!

8. If I could play a musical instrument, a. I'd join a band.

9. I would see lions and elephants f. if I travelled to Kenya.

10. If I were on a reality TV show, c. I would become famous.