
napisz email
do kolegi z USA o tym że zorganizowaliście w szkole konkurs językowy
-Napisz co skłoniło was do zorganizowania konkursu
-Na czym polegał konkurs i jak zachowała się społeczność szkolna i ostanie zakończenie że
-Co masz w planie zrobić za rok

proszę ​

Odpowiedź :


I hope you're okay . Sorry I didn't write sooner, but my school organized a contest. The competition consisted in checking the knowledge of various languages by the participants. All participants could choose the language from which they will test their knowledge. The students of my school were very happy and excited. All students contributed to the organization. Next year I would like a competition for films or fiction books. I would also like to make a pajama day at my school

Hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye for now and have a nice day