Odpowiedź :
Future Simple
wszędzie will, przeczenia won't
np I will go somewhere
np She will go to the supermarket
Present Perfect
dla 3 os l.poj has + czas 3f
dla reszty have + czas 3f
przeczenia hasn't haven't
np I have been to Paris
np She has seen a bird
Past Perfect
wszędzie had + 3f, przeczenie hadn't
np. I hadn't been to London
Present Simple
To be:
I am,
3os l.poj - is
reszta - are
normalne zdania
czas 1 f
3 os . l.poj - doesn't
reszta don't
Past simple:
3os l.poj i I- was
reszta - were
normalne zdania
czas 2 f / ed
przeczenia wszędzie didn't + czas 1 f