
Proszę o pomoc. Pilne na już .

Proszę O Pomoc Pilne Na Już class=
Proszę O Pomoc Pilne Na Już class=

Odpowiedź :

1. Lynn wanted to buy some souvenirs at Camden Market.

2. She wanted to follow the directions on her phone.

3. Jasmine can't reach Lynn on her phone.

4. Lynn's phone was dead.

5. The woman is not from here.

6. The man can tell Lynn where she should go next.

Was Lynn too late to the zoo?

Were Ben and Jasmine waiting for Lynn?

Did Lynn charge her phone?

Did a man tell Lynn the way?

Where did Lynn buy a cap?

What color was Lynn's cap?

1. Yes, she was late to the zoo.

2. Yes they were waiting for Lynn.

3. Lynn didn't charge her phone.

4 Yes, the man told Lynn the way

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