
3. You've just started a part-time job with a local company. Write a short email to a friend to describe your experiences so far, including the things you have to do, and your working hours, new colleagues and the atmosphere at work.

Odpowiedź :


Hi Janice!

Last weekend I started a part-time job at a local restaurant called " Bear's lunch ". It's a small place but it sure does look cozy and the food here is delicious. I work as a waiter from 5p.m to 10p.m. I often stay after hours because usually Im not tired and they pay me extra money to clean the tables, mop the floor and disinfect the equipment. My main duties are taking orders and bringing ready dishes to the tables.  I love it here so far and I think about working here after I finish school. The atmosphere is quite nice. There are 5 other people working with me since the place is not that big and we don't need more employees. All of them are kind and very nice to talk to. They treat me with respect but also they keep the relationship strictly professional. You should visit me sometime, maybe I'll get you a discount for a pizza. Write me back!

love XYZ
