Jeszcze te 2 zadania prosiłbym daje naj

2- She came down with money that she owed me. *she owed me- była mi winna *
3- He can't move, so he can't run down.
4- Get over here!
5- Hurry up! Take your phone and come with me.
6- He can't break out!
7- I can't go to school, i feel sick.
2-We had known Tomek before. We started hanging out with him for 3 months. (uwaga, ten podpunkt *nr 2 * może być źle zrobiony gdyż nie jestem pewien czy jest dobrze)
3-I haven't finished my breakfast yet, but it was time to go to school.
4-I wanted to see this fiml on TV, but it has already finished.
5-She could find her way in the city. She had lived here for 3 weeks before.
6-As he had already lost a lot ow weight, he didn't have to go on a diet again.
Jeśli już termin na oddanie zadania minął, to chociaż doceń mój wysiłek ;). Miłego dnia życzę.