
• Work in pairs. Role-play the dialogue. Use the phrases and ideas from this lesson to help you.
Jesteś kierownikiem na obozie młodzieżowym. Szukasz kogoś na stanowisko prowadzącego zajęcia artystyczne dla dzieci (art workshop instructor). W rozmowie z kandydatem na to stanowisko omów: • Twoje wymagania, zakres obowiązków kandydata, godziny pracy kandydata, • warunki zatrudnienia.​

Odpowiedź :


Student A: Good morning, my name is... and I would like to stand for an art workshop instructor job.

Student B: Good morning

S A: I would be grateful if you would tell me about my responsibilities and work hours.

S B: Okay, no problem. Let's start then. First of all I expect from you to be punctual everyday. Your job is mainly to ensure children a lot of creative ways to have fun and ready for different tasks. I would like to see how does your work with children look like and your attitude to work with them. If it comes to work hours you will work from 8 am to 3 pm from Monday to Friday. I will hire you if you are over 18 years old and have a diploma in pedagogy.

S A: I would really like to work here. I meet the requirements so I hope I would get a chance to show my abilities.

S B: Let us be of good cheer. I am going to call you this afternoon.

S A: Thank you for your time.

Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :))