Odpowiedź :
When I go to a fair, I am always accompanied by extraordinary emotions. I feel excitement and uncertainty combined with growing anticipation of what is inevitably approaching, and what I will not only witness but also participate in. I never know what I will find at a fair, even though I have been to dozens if not hundreds of fairs and in principle nothing should surprise me. Before going out I clean my shoes with a shine polish, iron my shirt and check if my braces are well adjusted, so that my trousers are neither too high nor too low. On the day of the fair I rarely eat breakfast because of the growing excitement which, combined with a meal, could cause stomach upset.
The moment I leave home I feel like Napoleon setting out to conquer Europe, only I never know if it will end up like trying to conquer Moscow. So far, my Elba has never become a reality.
I love markets and everything I can buy there.