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70-130 słów

Odpowiedź :

Hi Marcus,  

I would like to share with you my impressions of staying with my grandparents.  My grandparents are wonderful, even though they live in a shabby little house with crumbling shutters, a deteriorating porch, and a basement that threatens to engulf the unwary passerby at any moment. Moreover, the roof is covered in moss and all that is missing are trees growing on it to make it resemble an underground cottage.  

I spend my time doing boring everyday things and catching spiders. There are a lot of them here, so there's plenty to catch. It's basically a pointless activity but it's great for killing boredom. Sometimes I put one in a separate jar and toss it some smaller game and watch how the consumption goes with this fascinating species. Very informative. Not for the consumed of course, but still.  

It may seem strange to someone, but I particularly like this place and the thought that when it's completely gone, I'll only have memories left.  
