
We-mailu do anglojęzycznego kolegi napisz: # gdzie mieszkasz, • które z pomieszczeń w Twoim domu lubisz najbardziej, * jak wygląda Twój pokój. Podpisz się jako XYZ Długość e-maila powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 slow. Oceniana jest miejetnosc pelnego przekazania informacji, spójność, bogactwo jezykowe oraz poprawność językową. Postaraj się rozwinąć swoją wypowiedź w każdym z trzech podpunktów.
proszę na szybkoo!!!​

Odpowiedź :



I live at home. My room, which is an oasis of respite, is the wonderful place I like best of all the rooms in my house. I don't know why my parents don't like my bedroom. They say it's a robbers' cave where you can expect anything. They even suspected that unknown life forms had developed behind my wardrobe. Of course, nothing like that happened because it is a well-known fact that behind wardrobes there can be at most bacteria, moulds and fungi.  No alien forms can exist on earth, so my parents were wrong with their claims.  

As for my room, it has black walls and an old-fashioned wardrobe with woodcuts around the door. I also have an armchair with armrests that look like it's from the Victorian era. On the walls hang two tapestries handwoven from yarn obtained from the hair of a camel that was hunted by my grandfather during a safari in Africa. I also have antique oil lamps with rims and brackets of different widths wrapping around the glass like a parent protecting their child from the cold by wrapping their arms around it trying to cling to it as tightly as possible.  

Other furniture is ordinary and standard. I believe that it is not worthy of mention in comparison with the gems of furniture art I have described.