E-mail z języka angielskiego temat podany w załączniku. Pomoże ktoś napisać???

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Dear Marcus,
This semester I am on student exchange, or rather, exile. The sky is perpetually streaked with clouds riding hard like steam locomotives pulling steel and coal-filled train cars that have long exceeded their capacity. So is the stench rising from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, because I cannot identify its origin, but it irritates and annoys the nostrils. The rain, in turn, is an almost permanent guest in my life, filling it with increasing discouragement.
I live in a family of unfortunates who are condemned to such conditions for life and there is nothing to indicate that this is going to change. In fact, it's a simple basic social cell consisting of a father, a mother and two children. Nothing unusual to occupy your mind with details.
At the new school I met a few people including a warm friend. I don't know why I like her, because she is a rather plain-looking girl with a little bit of a bulging eye and protruding ears, and she doesn't have the figure of a model, but her personality is very cheerful and infectious with optimism. I liked her so much that we went on a trip last weekend. Actually, she invited me, but I did not object in any way. What is more, I was as happy as a child watching with her the monuments of medieval applied arts in pottery and making household tools.
She is the only positive thing in this soulless place. My warmest greetings to you and your family, especially to your sister