
Witam. Czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić moje wypracowanie z angielskiego? Z góry dziękuję. Temat- recenzja restauracji na bloga. Last week I went to one of the best restaurants I have ever been to. The place is called "Moms" and the people are very nice there, the food is amazing too. I liked the atmosphere of a small Italian restaurant very much.
Immediately after entering, I was greeted by a smiling waitress and led to a table. I took a careful look at the menu and decided to order the chicken in batter. I didn't wait long for my order, after 20 minutes the same waitress brought me my order and wished me good food. I liked everything very much and the excellent service made my stay in the restaurant pleasant.
I can honestly recommend this place to everyone, but if you decide to eat in this restaurant, it is better to book a table in advance. This restaurant is very popular!

Odpowiedź :

Last week I went to one of the best restaurants I have ever been to. The place is called "Moms" and the (bez the) people are very nice there, the food is amazing, too. I liked the atmosphere of this small Italian restaurant very much.

Immediately after (lepiej: upon) entering, I was greeted by a smiling waitress and led to the table. I took a careful look at the menu and decided to order the chicken in batter. I didn't wait long for my order, after 20 minutes the same waitress brought me my order and wished me good food. I liked everything very much and the excellent service made my stay in the restaurant pleasant.

I can honestly recommend this place to everyone, but if you decide to eat in this restaurant, it is better to book a table in advance. This restaurant is very popular!

chicken in batter > battered chicked brzmi lepiej

wished me good food > brzmi trochę koślawo, może lepiej: hoped that I would enjoy my meal

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