Hi Harry
How are you? I have recently find an interesting blog, wich you might like.
This blog has bearly everything. You can find there funny videos also basketball and swimming! In this blog you have so much quests and you can anwser lot of questions. But at first you need to find the blog. Write in internet "everyblogisfun" then when you are in, click "search" and search whatever you wan't! I know you like basketball and swimming. You can find it! Just search basketball or swimming and choose an category/ For example "swimming-funny videos" And you have it/ I think this blog is really cool and interesting. Swimming is basic like football or basketball so you can find it fast. When you trying to search links from videos it can be harder to find but if you are really depressed for it I think you can find it. I like in this blog this that if you wan't to find some friends or some information about something, the blog is giving it to you!
I propose it to you, because I know you had problems to find some friends, but I don't know how about now, also you can find new hobbies and I know that you really like new hobbies! I hope you gonna like it as me, I think it's really interesting and good for you.
Good luck to find new hobbies and maybe friends!