Z czynnej na bierna. Pls byle szybko. Daje naj i pkt chyba tez duzo.

16 - The books may be kept by members for three weeks. After that they (the books) have to be returned.
17 - An enormous hole had been cut in the door by the burglars.
18 - I've bought a harp. It is going to be delivered this afternoon.
19 - He has already been told by someone to report for duty at six.
20 - The church bells were rung by them as a flood warning.
21 - Nothing can be done unless some information is given to us.
22 - Far more money is spent by people on food now than it was spent 10 years ago.
23 - The paintings will be exhibited by the organizers till the end of the month.
24 - Nothing more will be said about the matter if the stolen gun is returned.
25 - He needs to be told by someone to stop behaving like a child.
26 - My dog was stolen by a thief and then brought back only after a £20 reward was offered by me.
27 - He was given two weeks by the judge to pay the fine.
28 - These artificial flowers are made by them of silk.
Starałam się w zmienionych zdaniach zachować ten sam czas
ale np. w:
18 - I've bought a harp. It is going to be delivered this afternoon. można tez owiedzieć: It will be delivered this afternoon (ale wtedy czas jest zmieniony na przyszły)