
Proszę pomocy
Przeczytaj poniszcze zadanie i przygotuj wpis na blog.

Proszę Pomocy Przeczytaj Poniszcze Zadanie I Przygotuj Wpis Na Blog class=

Odpowiedź :

Hi everyone!

Guess what I've done! I stopped using social media for a month.


  I have to admit, that wasn't the easiest thing to do. It was a bit of challenge for me. The first few days were awful, but now I think i could get used to It. I had a lot of free time so I decided to find some hobby and do something interesting, so i started training. I went to park every day at 06.00 AM with bottle of water just to train. I've also started eating more healthy things. After that I realized how much time I spent on social media that I wouldn't even go out anywhere. It was a great experience.

From now on I will use social media less often.


On Studier: Inne Pytanie