
Jak tworzyć stronę bierną, w tych zdaniach.
You have to slice the ham and mushrooms, and you have to grate the cheese on bread.
Slice the bread.
Put the ham and mushrooms on the sliced bread.
Sprinkle the cosseral with cheese.
Heat the oven to 180 degress.
Bake cosserales for 20 min.
At the end pour your favorite sauce

Odpowiedź :


The ham and mashrooms need to be sliced and grated to the cheese on bread.

The bread need to be sliced.

The ham and mashroomshave to be put on th esliced bread.

The cosseral need to be sprinkled with cheese.

Oven must be put to 180 degress and the cosserales have to be baked for 20 minutes.

The sauce can be poured if you want.


musisz zrobic tak zeby ten przedmiot "był robiony" przez kogos czyli np. kot pije mleko - mleko jest pite przez kota

On Studier: Inne Pytanie