
Przeczytaj dialogi zapisz w zeszycie, czy zdania są prawdziwe (T), czy fałszywe (F). Hi Sakura, I have to move, but flats in Tokyo are really expensive. Any ideas? 6. a Hi! Why not move into a micro flat? They're only 9.5 m². They have a desk and chair so you can work. They also have a tiny kitchen with a sink, a cooker and a small fridge. There's no dishwasher or washing machine, however. There's a high ceiling, so the bed is at the top of some steps, looking down on the room. The bathroom has a shower and toilet. 1. Flats in Tokyo are cheap. T/F 2. You wash your dishes in the sink. T/F 3. There is no bed in the flat. T/F 4. You can take a shower in the flat. T/F 5. The ceiling is low. T/F zad 2str 30​