
W zeszycie napisz post na szkolny blog o modach i modzie z dekady minionego stulecia. MYŚL I PLANUJ 1 O jakim okresie piszesz? 2 Co wtedy było modne? Jak ta moda wypada na tle dzisiejszej mody dla młodych ludzi? 3 Jakie były najpopularniejsze szaleństwa w tamtych czasach? 4 Jaka muzyka była popularna? Gdzie ludzie go słuchali i jak go kupowali? 5 Jaka technologia była nowa i ważna? Jakie gadżety były popularne?​

Odpowiedź :


At that time the best clothes was: dresses to the floor,really adorned were hats. That kind of hats liked most of girls. It was twentieth age time. I think that young people at this time wouldn`t like this styl;e, I mean long dresses and adorned hats look like an muesum collecion. The most popular craziest thing was a war. Most people was listenig to jazz or pop. The pop music was really popular at that time. People were listening music in a radio mostly. The most popular tehnology was a computer and an electric fridge. The most important thing were the antibiotic.


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