
zapoznaj się z treścią zadania i napisz ogłoszenie. odpowiedź zapisz w zeszycie​

Zapoznaj Się Z Treścią Zadania I Napisz Ogłoszenie Odpowiedź Zapisz W Zeszycie class=

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Attention everyone!

There was a thief in a park near our school yesterday and i think it was Wiktoria (dowolne imię)beacuse she was the last person i talked too. The thief stoled books, some money and personal items.

if u have seen my backpack please, contact me or call me.

my number-937 737 666

thanks for attention.

My backpack got stolen two days ago in the City Park, near school number 12. It’s a black VANS backpack with tiny flowers on it. I think the thief was a young man in green sweatpants and blue Adidas hoodie. I really need help with finding it because I had valuable things in it for example my wallet and my smartphone. For the one to find it, will await the prize of 85 dollars. If you find it, contact me with this phone number: +00 456 232 888.