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Hi Vicky,
I hope you remember me...
I'm writing to you because we met over the holiday, a long time ago. We met for the first time during art class and I asked you for advice on what I should add to my painting. You replied that I could use more green on it. Later we wanted to go to a café together to have some cake, but our moms didn't agree. You were going to go to the store, and we were going to go back to the cottage. You said you were born in Italy, but moved with your family (sister, mother and grandparents) permanently to England.
You had short brown hair with blue streaks. I remember you had green eyes, slightly falling into brown. You were very tall for your age, but, as you said, you were embarrassed about it.
Besides painting, you also loved watching birds. I remember the curiosity with which you told me about the many species of birds. You said you even had a parrot! I think it was an Ara parrot, but I don't remember it clearly, honestly.
I remember being very sad after my moms didn't agree to our going out. We didn't have a phone back then (because of our age), so I couldn't even ask you for your phone number, and as a result, our contact was lost. So the last two weeks of holiday weren't the same anymore because you were in my head all the time, which made me sad (even the ice cream grandpa made didn't help!). Recently I remembered our meeting and would like to at least find some contact with you, let's hope it works!
That's all for now. Please write soon.
Take care,
Mam nadzieję, że taki list będzie odpowiedni. Możesz zawsze coś w nim pozmieniać, czy rozwinąć :)