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Hi Natalia
I was on a wacation in Irleand. I visited Dublin, Cork and Athlone. Dublin is the capital city of Irleand. In Dublin every year is an Paraid because of ST. Patriks Day. In Cork I saw a football Club. There was an big galery where I buyed some clotes you will se them when you visit me.
Athlone was the best Turist atraction because I saw a castle and I went to the muzeum of the Old wesmeth. Me and my friends whent on a boath trip around the Town. We saw a River caled shanon. We didin't hawe time to se more but next time you can go with me l. Thath was my favourite summer.
To The next time (twoje imię)
Mam nadzieję że pomogłem. Zwracaj na błędy np z dużej litery coś ponieważ coś mi się dzieje z klawiaturalą