
pomocy na 16 musi byc i tam gdzie imię mojej koleżanki, mojej rodziny czy moje to kropki np

hi my name is .......​

Pomocy Na 16 Musi Byc I Tam Gdzie Imię Mojej Koleżanki Mojej Rodziny Czy Moje To Kropki Nphi My Name Is class=

Odpowiedź :



Hi! My name is (Twoje imię) And im live with My stepmother, My father, My Little brother, My stepsister and My dog! My dad have brown curly hair, he works in office, he is so nice! My step mother have long blond hair, she also have blue eyes, My Little brother have brown short hair and brown eyes, he is soo noisy and naughty! My stepsister is 16 years old, she have long brown hair also she have a boyfriend! My dog is labrador! hes name is a Zgredek, yes im love Harry Potter, but nevermind.

(ur name)