
Zadanie 1,2,3 strona 7 ćwiczenia klasa 8

Zadanie 123 Strona 7 Ćwiczenia Klasa 8 class=
Zadanie 123 Strona 7 Ćwiczenia Klasa 8 class=
Zadanie 123 Strona 7 Ćwiczenia Klasa 8 class=

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proszę całą stronę masz.

Zobacz obrazek NATAA566

Zadanie 1

  1. The colour of the walls in my room is white.
  2. I get to school from my house by bus.
  3. The room in my house I spend the most time in is the living room.

Zadanie 2

  • How do you get to the cinema from here? (Present Simple)
  • Just turn left.
  • Are your parents out at the moment? (Present Continuous)
  • No, they aren't. (Present Continuous)
  • Why didn't you paint the walls black? (Past Simple)
  • Because I hate that colour. (Present Simple)
  • Where is the nearest park? (Present Simple)
  • There is one right next to my house. (Present Simple)

Zadanie 3

  1. Finally! What magazines did you leave?
  2. How many of them have you got?
  3. That's not bad! Where do you keep them?
  4. So what do you think of your bedroom now?
  5. Good for you. Can I come and visit you?