
Napisz streszczenie tekstu po angielsku min. jakieś 5 zdań

Napisz Streszczenie Tekstu Po Angielsku Min Jakieś 5 Zdań class=

Odpowiedź :

Odpowiedź: Do you know where your clothes are from? Who made them and what life they are living? Three wealthy young bloggers are sent for a month to see, and live how people who made their clothes do. It turns out its a total horror. They wake up on 5:30 AM after sleeping on the concrete the previous night, they have no choice but to work for at least eight hours. For a toilet there is a small hole in the ground and have no time to break. The bloggers are terrified by these kind of life, especially when they found out that some girls even leave their schools to help their families. They also notice that the workers are not complaining, its important to them that they at least have a job. When the bloggers leave, they tell their fans and everyone around them about the situation. Will it help? Time will tell.

Wyjaśnienie: Sorki że takie długie ale nie potrafie bardziej streścić z sensem