Odpowiedź :
Zdania twierdzące
I am - Ja jestem
You are- Ty jesteś
He is- On jest
She is- Ona jest
It is- Ono jest
We are- My jesteśmy
You are - Wy jesteście
The are - Oni są
Zadania przeczące
I am not
You are not ( You aren't)
He is not ( He isn't)
She is not ( She isn't)
It is not ( It isn't)
We are not ( We aren't)
You are not ( You aren't)
They are not ( They aren't)
Zadania pytające i krótkie odpowiedzi
Am I? Yes, I am/ No, I'm not
Are You? Yes, I am/ No, I'm not
Is he? Yes. he is/ No, he isn't
Is She ? Yes, she is/ No, she isn't
Is it? Yes, it is/ No, it isn't
Are we? Yes, we are/ No, we aren't
Are you? Yes, you are/ No, you aren't
Are they? Yes, the are/ No, the aren't
What is your name?- Jak masz na imię
What is your surname- jak masz na nazwisko?
Where are you from? - Skąd pochodzisz
What are your character traits- Jakie masz cechy charakteru ?
Miłego dnia:)