Napisz E-maila do koleżanki po angielsku. Wszystkie szczegóły o czym ma byc e-mail itp są w załączniku :) mozna napisac po swojemu wymyślone rzeczy a ja zmienię Te cechy tej przyjaciolki, daje najj

My best friend's name is ... she's eleven. She has black hair and brown eyes. She's kind, clever and sporty. We like to spend time together playing tennis and volleyball.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam
Hi! In the last e-mail you wrote to me about your best friend, so I figured I would tell you about my friend. His name is Szymon and he is also 13 years old. He has dark hair, large brown eyes, and is also slim and quite tall.
He likes to play football and spend time with me. I also enjoy spending time with him and I hope our friendship will last a long time. That's all I wanted to tell you, have a nice rest and see you.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam i liczę na naj. Miłego dnia