
1. Dopasuj definicje (1-7) do podkreślonych wyrażeń
w tekście. Dwie definicje podane zostały dodatkowo
i nie pasują do żadnego wyrazu.
1. the way a person or a thing looks
2. a person who likes meeting and spending time
with other people
3. opinions or thoughts put on the internet for
people to read
4. an informal, often funny name for a person based
on his/her real name.
5. an activity that someone does for fun and pleasure
in his/her free time
6. someone who makes short films about different
ideas or hobbies and posts them on the internet
7. a kind of sport in which you ride bicycles off-road.

1 Dopasuj Definicje 17 Do Podkreślonych Wyrażeń W Tekście Dwie Definicje Podane Zostały Dodatkowo I Nie Pasują Do Żadnego Wyrazu 1 The Way A Person Or A Thing L class=

Odpowiedź :


nickname - an informal, often funny name for a person based on his/her real name

mountain biking - a kind of sport in which you ride bicycles off-road

appearance - the way a person or a thing looks

vloggers - someone who makes short films about different ideas or hobbies and posts them on the internet

sociable - a person who likes meeting and spending time with other people

On Studier: Inne Pytanie