
Write an email or an internet post about a problem with a friend ( real or invented ). follow the prompts . write 50 to 120 words , not including the woeds provided . say who your friend is and how you became friends.describe what your relationship is usually like .explain what the problem is and ask for helphi max , i have a problem with a friend and i'd like your advice.
pomoże ktoś ???
zadanie 7 str 15 z podręcznika steps plus dla klasy VIII angielski
potrzebuje na teraz plisss

Odpowiedź :

Używając twojego wstępu nazwiemy go jako Max :)


Hello Max,

I'd like to tell you about something. Do you know Jenn?  I did not said to you how did I met her right? So it's kinda funny story because i've met her in exact cinema we already been with her but we met nearby shop where she's been working. So i truly wanted to describe really weird thing. The thing is she became behaving really weird. By that i mean she became really angry at me also she stopped responding on my messages. Please respond me with what you think of that.

Kindly waiting for respond, XYZ.

(103 słowa, ciężko było się zmieścić w tym limicie i musiałem uciąć ponad 100 słów tak, aby było to jak najbardziej logiczne :D. Mam nadzieję że pomogłem. Pisane z wyobraźni)