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np. The Adams Family Interviewer.

Interviewer: This week we’re with the Adams Family. Tell me what are your names?

Family: (np.) My name is Oscar. My parent’s names are Kate and Brad. This is my younger sister Olivia.

Interviewer:Nice! so, what motivated you all to sing that great song all together on the festival?

Family(Oscar):Well we wanted to do something for the festival so first we though of baking but we aren’t the best with baking anything actually so then we thought about decorating the are where the festival would be but there were to many people who wanted to decorate so it was pointless. Then my sister said: „What if we all sing a song! Together!” we really liked the idea so we sang a song! My sister was the motivator here.

Interviewer:Haha! That’s great! Were you nervous?

Family(Oscar):Not at all my mum/mom was very excited. She used to be in a band! She was the singer in the group.

Interviewer:Wow!! That’s amazing!! Ok then enough about the festival. Where are you from?

Family(Oscar): We are from Canada but my dad is half Italian. His mom/mum is from Italy.

Interviewer: Oh really? That’s really cool. Oh goodness i forgot to ask how old you all are?

Family(Oscar): I am 13 years old and my sister is 8 years old.

Interviewer: You’re older than i though! What about your parents? If I may ask

Family(mum):Yes you may , I am 37 years old and my husband is 41.

Interviewer:Nice! well that would be all for today! I hope i see you again some time. Goodbye!

Family: Bye Bye!

Sory że się rozpisałam mam nadzieje że się ocena będzie dobra! :))

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