
Zaproszenie kolegi z Angli do kina w e-mailu przedstawienie opini o filmie który ostatnio widziałeś i przedstawienie filmu który maja wspólnie obejrzeć

Odpowiedź :


Hi Saul!

I'm writing to you because I must share with you that I've watched an incredible movie! It's really a masterpiece, it's called "Loving Vincent" and I was speechless after watching it. It's an animated biographical drama film about the life of the painter Vincent van Gogh. It really is the first fully painted animated feature film. It's a must-see! What about watching something together when you come back from the UK? I'd suggest another animation, the new version of Lion King the reviews are good, and we all loved the original version. In case you forgot it's about a young lion Simba, his father Mufasa, and the king's malicious brother who is plotting against the royal family to overthrow his brother. So, what do you say, doesn't that sound interesting?  
