
travelled to China all the way from italy, stopping
on my way in Spain. I will never forget travelling
by train in China. It's one of those experiences
that can't be forgotten. The trains there are known for
being packed but there were even more people than
had expected. Their faces were glued to the windows
and the windows were completely steamed up.
I was staying in Beijing, which is where I got on
the train. There were around five hundred people
waiting at the station, so it was impossible for all
of them to get on the train and reach their destination
Suddenly, three men began pushing everyone inside
the train. It was one of the most unusual things
Thad ever seen. They used all their strength to force
the passengers on the train. I was also pushed on
so I felt terrible and out of breath. I hope I will never be
pushed into such a crowded place again
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1 Where did the author begin their journey?
The author
2 What are the trains in China famous for?
They are
3 Why was it difficult to look through the windows?
The windows were
4 How many people were waiting at the station?
At the station
5 How many people helped the passengers get on
the train?
helped the passengers

Odpowiedź :

1 The author began his journey in Italy.

2 They are famous for being packed.

3 The windows were steamed up.

4 There was around 500 people at the station

5 Three men helped the passengers.