
ZADANIE 80/3 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach 8.1-8.3
zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Louis Barnett did not do well at school. He had a learning disability, which
made reading difficult for him. That is why he didn't go to secondary school
at all. Instead, at the age of eleven, he started having lessons at home. What
happened next was a surprise,
It all started when Louis made a birthday cake for his aunt. It was a great
success, and cake-making became his hobby. Then he started making
chocolates as gifts for family and friends, and everyone loved them. Soon
he was selling his chocolates to local shops and restaurants. At the age of
twelve, Louis started his own business.
These days Louis, who is now an adult, sells chocolate to several big British
supermarkets as well as to smaller shops in the UK and in other countries too.
His company is fast becoming a global brand. Not bad for the boy who didn't like