
Pomocy mam to na jutro!!!

Explain why someone who has had a serious head injury may not be able to talk anymore

Odpowiedź :


In my opinion, someone who has had a serious head injury may not be able to talk anymore because of head trauma which are usually caused by accidents, such as car accidents, tripping etc. After someone gets hit in the head, they 'black out' which makes them unconscious. Using common sense, someone cannot talk if they're not conscious. Of course, there are cases in which someone did not pass out. They might not be able to talk because of a brain injury. Something like that can be caused by a stroke, which is when blood gets into your brain.


A serious head injury - poważny uraz głowy.

head trauma - uraz głowy

tripping - potykanie się

black/pass out - zemdleć

unconcious - nieprzytomny

common sense - (coś co każdy powinien wiedzieć)

stroke - wylew.

Ogólnie to w tekscie się 'wymądrzam' ale nauczyciele to lubią. Mam nadzieję że pomogłem :)