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Jestem Logan i chciałem opowiedzieć o wczorajszej imprezie. To było moje 18 urodziny zaprosiłem na nie moich przyjaciół i kilku znajomych.
  Impreza była na plaży. bawiliśmy się świetnie, pływaliśmy w morzu, graliśmy w gry imprezowe i tańczyliśmy. Było świetnie do momentu gdy nie usłyszeliśmy krzyku. To był mój kolega, był w morzu i chyba się topił. Kilka osób rzuciło się na pomoc, a ja stałem i nie wiedziałem co robić. Gdy Max wyszedł z wody, z nieprzytomnym Trevorem podbiegłem do nich i zadzwoniłem na pogotowie. Dyspozytor kazał nam udzielić pierwszej pomocy co zrobiliśmy i czekaliśmy na karetkę. W końcu pojawili się ratownicy. Nikomu nie życzę widoku przyjaciela w karetce, to było straszne. Gdy ratownicy odjechali z Trevorem, postanowiliśmy z Maxem jechać za nimi do szpitala. Przy recepcji spytaliśmy co się dzieje z Trevorem i czy wszystko jest dobrze, niestety pielęgniarki nie mogły nam nic powiedzieć. Stres który mam towarzyszył był przerażający, martwiłem się o niego bo znałem Trevora od dzieciaka. Chciałem żeby to się już skończyło. W pewnym momencie z korytarza wyszedł lekarz zajmujący się chłopakiem. Spytaliśmy co z nim podając się za braci. Lekarz uspokoił nas mówiąc że jego stan jest stabilny ale zostanie kilka dni na obserwacji.
  To były chyba najgorsze 18 urodziny w historii. Przysięgam że nigdy więcej imprez na plaży. Od tego wydarzenia minęły dwa miesiące, Trevor wrócił do życia i czuję się dobrze.

Odpowiedź :


I'm Logan and I wanted to talk about yesterday's party. It was my 18th birthday and I invited my friends and some friends to attend.

The party was on the beach. we had a great time, swam in the sea, played party games and danced. It was great until we heard a scream. It was my friend, he was in the sea and he was drowning. Several people rushed to help, and I stood there and didn't know what to do. After Max got out of the water, with an unconscious Trevor, I ran to them and called the ambulance. The dispatcher ordered us to provide first aid, which we did and we waited for the ambulance. Eventually, the rescuers appeared. I don't want anyone to see my friend in the ambulance, it was terrible. After the rescuers left with Trevor, we and Max decided to follow them to the hospital. At the reception, we asked what was going on with Trevor and if everything was fine, unfortunately the nurses couldn't tell us anything. The stress I was having was terrifying, I was worried about him because I knew Trevor since I was a kid. I just wanted it to be over. At one point, a doctor who was treating the boy came out of the corridor. We asked what about him claiming to be brothers. The doctor reassured us saying that his condition is stable but he will have a few days for observation.

It was perhaps the worst 18th birthday ever. I swear no more beach parties. Two months have passed since that event, Trevor has come back to life and I am fine.

I'm Logan and I wanted to talk about yesterday's party. It was my 18th birthday and I invited my friends and some friends to attend.

The party was on the beach. we had a great time, swam in the sea, played party games and danced. It was great until we heard a scream. It was my friend, he was in the sea and he was drowning. Several people rushed to help, and I stood there and didn't know what to do. After Max got out of the water, with an unconscious Trevor, I ran to them and called the ambulance. The dispatcher ordered us to provide first aid, which we did and we waited for the ambulance. Eventually, the rescuers appeared. I don't want anyone to see my friend in the ambulance, it was terrible. After the rescuers left with Trevor, we and Max decided to follow them to the hospital. At the reception, we asked what was going on with Trevor and if everything was fine, unfortunately the nurses couldn't tell us anything. The stress I was having was terrifying, I was worried about him because I knew Trevor since I was a kid. I just wanted it to be over. At one point, a doctor who was treating the boy came out of the corridor. We asked what about him claiming to be brothers. The doctor reassured us saying that his condition is stable but he will have a few days for observation.

It was perhaps the worst 18th birthday ever. I swear no more beach parties. Two months have passed since that event, Trevor has come back to life and I am fine.