
3 Przeczytaj ponownie tekst. Uzupełnij luki
w dialogu zgodnie z jego treścią. Luki należy
uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
X: Have you heard of fanfiction?
Y: No, what's that?
X: These are fiction stories written by fans of
original novels. They are like remakes of real
books. For example, I read some Harry Potter
adventures which take place 1……..
Y: That sounds strange.
X: I know! But it was fun There are some
crossovers, too - people write about characters,
events or places from 2…..
Y: How does it work? Do you need to pay to
X: No! You just write your own story and 3….
it. And then you wait for
4……..- all the readers can express
their opinion about your piece.
Y: It sounds like something for me. You know
how I always complain about coming up with
something new, but once I know what to write
about the words just flow.
X: I know! I thought about you immediately.
It's definitely a good start if you want to
become a 5…….
one day.

Odpowiedź :

1. in the future

2. novels

3. upload

4. reviews

5. writer