
Pls na już klasa

Pls Na Już Klasa 7 Angielski class=

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On this exciting weekend course, we teach you everything you need to know about how to make your own blockbuster.  On Saturday morning, we'll give you advice about how to think of an exciting plot and then how to write a script. We'll also  look at different cameras and teach you how to shoot your film. In the afternoon, we'll talk about science fiction and horror films, and  Serena Garside, who is a make-up artist on some top science fiction films, will give you some ideas about how to create new looks. On Sunday  morning, a costume designer Matt Zhukov will tell you how he made the beautiful clothes for a film about the fashion industry last year. And  finally, on Sunday afternoon, musician Martha Clayton will talk to you about how to record a soundtrack for your film.