
PEOPLE, PRIVATE LIFE Przeczytaj tekst i wykonaj
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How many pairs!!!
The average American owns seven pairs of
jeans. That's one for every day of the week.
But do you know that there is a blogger in France
who owns around 350 pairs. That's almost one
for every day of the year! She wears them
everywhere: smart jeans to go to work, baggy
jeans to do the shopping, trendy jeans to go to
the theatre. She even wears jeans to formal
occasions such as her best friend's wedding.
It seems that she even has jeans as pyjamas for
when she goes to bed!

Znajdź w tekście słowo lub wyrażenie, które oznacza:

1. go to a place where actors are in costumes

2. an adjective which is the opposite of casual

3. an adjective which is the opposite of tight

4. something you wear when you sleep

5. what you do when you are tired at the end of the

Odpowiedź :

Odnalezione w tekście wyrażenia lub słowa:

1. go to a place where actors are in costumes - go to a theatre

2. an adjective that is the opposite of casual - formal

3. an adjective which is the opposite of tight - baggy

4. something you wear when you sleep - pyjamas

5. what you do when you are tired at the end of the day - go to bed

W tekście jest sporo ciekawych słówek. Są to m.in.:

- average - przeciętny

- own - posiadać

- around - około

- almost - prawie

- smart jeans - eleganckie jeansy

- baggy jeans - workowate jeansy (luźne)

- trendy jeans- modne jeansy

- formal - formalne

- occasions - okazje

- wedding - ślub

- pyjamas - piżama

Oprócz tych słówek, warto również przetłumaczyć zadane definicje:

- go to a place where actors are in costumes - iść do miejsca, gdzie aktorzy są w kostiumach

- an adjective which is the opposite of casual - przymiotnik, który jest przeciwieństwem słowa "swobodny"

- an adjective which is the opposite of tight - przymiotnik będący przeciwieństwem słowa "ciasny"

- something you wear when you sleep - coś, co nosisz, gdy śpisz

- what you do when you are tired at the end of the day - co robisz, gdy jesteś zmęczony pod koniec dnia