
czas past Simple
1.oni kupili małego psa wczoraj

2.my Bylismy w kinie

3.jego ciocia zjadłaobiad później

naprawiłem wczoraj psa
Fed my dog in The moring.

I dint feed my dog in The moring

did you feed your dog in The moring?
yes i did/no i didnt​

Odpowiedź :


1.oni kupili małego psa wczoraj

They bought a small dog yesterday.

They didn't buy a small dog yesterday.

Did they buy a small dog yesterday?

Yes, they did. No, they didn't.

2.my Bylismy w kinie

We were in the cinema.

We weren't in the cinema.

Were we in the cinema?

No, we weren't. Yes, we were.

3.jego ciocia zjadłaobiad później

His aunt ate dinner later.

His aunt didn't eat dinner later.

Did his aunt eat dinner later?

Yes, she did. No, she didn't.


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