
Notatka o środowisko przyrodnicze Azji . druga notatka o wulkanach w Azji Jak powstają gdzie rodzaju wulkany .​

Odpowiedź :


As the largest continent in the world, Asia is home to some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth. This has led to an incredibly rich ecosystem with more than 30% of all living biodiversity found in Asia.


Volcanoes are hills, mountains, or other landforms that form from hot molten rock and ash erupted from a vent in the earth's surface. Volcanoes can be caused by tectonic plate movements or hotspots.

There are four main types of volcanoes: Shield volcanoes, Composite volcanoes, Stratovolcanoes, and Cinder cones.

As for the types of volcanoes in Asia, they include: Mount Eromanga-Aerials (the largest stratovolcano on Australia's mainland), Mount Sekok (a stratovolcano with a deep summit crater), Mount Aso (the largest composite volcano in Japan), and Mount Fuji (the highest mountain in Japan and one of the most famous sites in the world).

On Studier: Inne Pytanie