
are 8 Imagine that you and your family going to visit England and stay with a host family that you don't know. Write a short email to introduce yourself and your family: • introduce yourself, • introduce the other people in your famih • say what you like doing. (klasa 7 str.4 zad.8) (daję naj)​

Odpowiedź :


Hi! I'm (twoje imię). I'm (twój wiek) years old and I live in Poland. I really love to play games and hang out with my friends. This is my dad, his name is (imię twojego taty). He's (wiek twojego taty) years old. This is my mom, her name is (imię twojej mamy). She's (wiek twojej mamy) years old. (Rodzeństwo opcjonalnie, zależy czy masz)

This is my brother, (imię twojego brata), and he's (wiek twojego brata) years old. This is my sister, (imię twojej siostry), and she's (wiek twojej siostry) years old. (jeśli miał*s powiedzieć, co lubią to prosze bardzo) My dad likes to watch tv and repair cars, my mom loves to bake cakes and cupcakes, my brother likes to play football, and video games and my sister likes to read books and draw.

Mam nadzieję że pomogłam <3