
Proszę o szybką pomoc w tych 2 zadaniach
2x } Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania 1-5 zgodnie z treścią tekstu. only get very small payments for Streaming - good or bad? was widespread. Now, every minute of the day, millions of their music. In the early days of the Internet people are scrolling up and Some listeners say it's difficult in the 1990s, most people used down or swiping screens to to find the music they want on to listen to music on cassettes access all types of music on and CDs. Then, in 1993, streaming apps. Other listeners demand and free of charge. say that streamed music doesn't an American band called Severe Tire Damage changed all that. There's a lot of debate about sound very good - many of them While the band were playing streaming music. Musicians know think that old-fashioned ways at a concert, some computer that their music is available to of listening to music, like vinyl experts tried to transmit the music people all round the world. records, sound better. In addition, around the world on the Internet. However, some musicians say some environmentalists object This was the first time that there streaming has been a disaster to streaming. They say that was streaming music on the because listeners want to get streaming music uses up Internet. A year later, big name every type of music on demand a lot of electricity, which bands like the Rolling Stones without paying for it. They don't increases pollution. were streaming their concerts, want to pay for any songs - What do you think and by the year 2000, streaming and the result is that musicians about streaming music? 1 Which band first used streaming? 2 When did streaming become popular? Do you think that streaming music is a good or a bad thing? Write down your opinion, giving reasons to support it. 3 Why can free music be a problem for musicians? Because 4 Why do some people say streaming apps are difficult to use? Because 5 What do some people like about vinyl records? They say that 8​

Proszę O Szybką Pomoc W Tych 2 Zadaniach 2x Przeczytaj Tekst Odpowiedz Na Pytania 15 Zgodnie Z Treścią Tekstu Only Get Very Small Payments For Streaming Good O class=

Odpowiedź :

Poprawne odpowiedzi

  1. The first band to use streaming was Severe Tire Damage. – Pierwszy zespół, który zaczął transmitować muzykę to Severe Tire Damage.
  2. It became popular around the year 2000. – Stało się popularne około roku 2000.
  3. Because they earn less money.  – Ponieważ zarabiają mniej pieniędzy.
  4. Because they find it hard to find music they want to listen to. – Ponieważ trudnym jest dla nich znalezienie muzyki, której chcą słuchać.
  5. They say that vinyl records sound better. – Uważają, że winyle brzmia lepiej.

Pisanie rozprawki:

Zadanie 4 to zadanie, w którym musisz napisać krótkie wypracowanie. Musisz wyrazić w nim opinie na temat tego czy transmitowanie/streamowanie muzyki jest złe, czy dobre.

Musisz także podać argumenty popierające twoją opinię. Zwróć uwagę na zastosowaną w poleceniu liczbę mnogą, oznacza to, że muszą być to co najmniej dwa argumenty.

W swoim wypracowaniu możesz użyć następujących zwrotów:

  • In my opinion... – w mojej opinii...
  • I believe that... – Wierzę, że...
  • I think so, because... – Uważam tak, ponieważ...
  • For example... – Na przykład...