
Ułuż 5 zdań ( z czasownikiem ) i ze słowami : Cave,House,Church,Hotel ,FActory,Hospitall , Cinema,PoliceStacion,Bank,Market,Palace,Restaurant
Takie jak np : I go to theatre.
Nie mogą sie powtarzać.

i prosze na teraz!
Dam naj!

Odpowiedź :

1. When I was with my family on holiday we went to see cave and palace but first we went to eat something in restaurant that is in our hotel.

2. Every Sunday I go to church that is near to my house.

3. On a school trip we went to visit police station and after that we went to the cinema.

4. Near to my friend’s house is a shoes factory but she never saw someone going to it.

5. In my city there is a hospital, a market and a bank so I don’t need to go to another city to buy some food.

Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam ;) gramatycznie zdania powinny być dobrze napisane ale nie jestem pewna co do tych „a” i „The” jeśli masz jakieś pytania pisz śmiało w komentarzach.