
Choose the correct words.

1. A helicopter is fast/faster than a ferry.
A plane is the fastest/the faster form of transport.
2. A youth hostel is as/more expensive than camping in a tent. A hostel is the expensive/most expensive.
3. The plane leave/leaves at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We stay/are staying at a campsite.
4. I help/will help you.
5. I'm sure my holiday is being/will be exciting.
6. I exploring/am exploring a rainforest in Brazil.
7. He/Him likes she/her, but she/her doesn't like he/him.
8. They/Them like he/him, but he/him doesn't like they/them.
9. I/Me like you/your, but you/your don't like me/my.
10. I've never been to Spain, but I Love to/would love to go there.
11. My sister never goes on holiday, but she would like/would like to go to France.
Daje na naj z gory dzieki<3

Odpowiedź :

1. A helicopter is faster than a ferry. A plane is the fastest form of transport.

2. A youth hostel is more expensive than camping in a tent. A hostel is the most expensive.

3. The plane leaves at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We are staying at a campsite.

4. I will help you.

5. I'm sure my holiday will be exciting.

6. I am exploring a rainforest in Brazil.

7. He likes her, but she doesn't like him.

8. They like him, but he doesn't like them.

9. I like you, but you don't like me.

10. I've never been to Spain, but I would love to go there.

11. My sister never goes on holiday, but she would like to go to France.

1. Helikopter jest szybszy niż prom. Samolot jest najszybszą formą transportu.

2. Schronisko młodzieżowe jest droższe niż kemping w namiocie. Najdroższy jest hostel.

3. Samolot odlatuje o 3 po południu. Zatrzymujemy się na kempingu.

4. Pomogę ci.

5. Jestem pewien, że moje wakacje będą ekscytujące.

6. Badam las deszczowy w Brazylii.

7. Lubi ją, ale ona nie lubi jego.

8. Lubią go, ale on nie lubi ich.

9. Lubię cię, ale ty nie lubisz mnie.

10. Nigdy nie byłem w Hiszpanii, ale chciałbym tam pojechać.

11. Moja siostra nigdy nie wyjeżdża na wakacje, ale chciałaby pojechać do Francji.