Odpowiedź :
Poprawnie gramatycznie, ale nienaturalnie.
Beyond imagination może funkcjonować w takich wyrażeniach:
to go beyond imagination
to be beyond imagination (ALE raczej nie not to be beyond imagination)
wouldn't be beyond imagination (This wouldn't be beyond imagination)
Co wiecej, tego uzywa sie raczej do wyrażania negatywnych znaczeń, np:
- It was a shock beyond imagination (The New Yorker)
- Our generation was pathetically educated, just pathetic beyond imagination (The New Yorker)
- "War is not easy, it's beyond imagination," he says. (The New Yorker)
- It is terrible beyond imagination". (The Guardian)
Można powiedzieć, na przykład:
- It's not beyond belief that...
- It's not beyond the realm of imagination...