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Did you know...?

One of the most famous logos in the world is the Nike Logo. It was 1 _________ by an American student, Carolyn Davidson, in 1971. Ms Davidson was only paid $35 dollars for her design. However, she was later

2 ________ a gold ring in the shape of the Logo and Nike shares.

Tinned food was 3 __________ in 1810 in Britain by Peter Durand. Unfortunately, he did not also invent a tin opener, so tins were 4 _________ with difficulty using a knife and a hammer. It wasn’t until nearly 50 years later that the American Ezra Warner invented the tin opener.

When people at toy company Parker Brothers were first 5 _________ the board game ‘Monopoly’, they were not interested. They said it had 52 fundamental errors, including taking too Long to play. However, a few days later the company president saw the game and took it home to try it. He stayed up until 1 a.m. to finish playing it, and the next day he wrote to the inventor, Charles Darrow, and offered to buy it!

The modem game of golf was invented in Scotland in the 18th century. It was originally only 6 _______ by men, and was 7 ________ ‘golf’ because of the rule Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden. This is how the word golf entered into the English language.

Botox was first 8 _______ in 1985 to correct strabismus (lazy eye) in children. The possibility of using it to make people’s faces look younger was only 9 __________ 20 years later.

The character Gregory House in the hit TV series House M.D. is 10 ____________ on Conan Doyle’s detective Sherlock Holmes. Like Holmes, House uses his intelligence and knowledge of psychology to solve cases. House’s relationship with his friend Dr James Wilson is similar to that between Holmes and his friend, Dr John Watson, and the address on his driving licence is 221B Baker St, a direct reference to Holmes’s address.

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