Helppp dam naj uloz dialogi do sytuacji

- Hi, We would like table for three
- Hi, of course, near the window?
- That would be perfect, thank you
- Here is your menu
- We would like to order chicken fries and coke
- Okay, here you go, ad here are some clean forks, enojoy your meal. Would you like any dessert
- NO thank you, Can you bring us the bill, thank you
- I'm moving out of my flat so I need to cary lot of heavy box and load a van with it and unloading it
- Would you like me to help with that?
- Yes , that would be amazing. Can you help me with cleaning? I will buy you dinner
- Of course
- Amazing, I will call the gas board and my sister, she will be looking after the plants.
- Hi, what are you doing?
- I'm preparing vegetable for meal for 20 people
- Need help? I can make salad?
- Yes , thank you. Can you also stir the sause?
- Yes , of course. I will also check the meat
- Great, in the meantime I will lay the tables