
daje naj
z góry dziękuję ​

Daje Najz Góry Dziękuję class=

Odpowiedź :

Zadanie 5

1. criminals

2. delinquents

3. women

4. breaking

5. journalist

Zadanie 6

1. The judge sent the woman to prison for shoplifting

2. Have you ever broke the law?

3. The police are looking for the suspect - a tall man in his thirties with a scar on the cheek.

4. Bob didn't pay his fee for speeding,so now he has to go to prison for 30 days.

5. Do you know anybody who has commited a crime?

6. Sometimes doing community service is a better punishment than paying a fine.

7. Although everybody knew Kevin had done it,he didn't get punished

Zadanie 7

a) yesterday there was a burglary in our neighbourhood..

b) 03.02 police reported a crime in the Old town. it was a burglary commited by...

c) a couple students broke the school windows yesterday...

d) two residents caught a burglar stealing their car at midnight..