zadanie w załączniku :))

W każdym punkcie podałam przykład miejsca, w którym moglibyśmy usłyszeć taką rozmowę, i osób, między którymi mogłaby się ona odbywać.
1. - Could you bring us the bill, please?
- Yes, sir. I'll bring it right away.
Who is talking? client and waiter
Where the conversation is taking place? in the restaurant
2. - Would you give me your work number, please?
- Of course. Oh, shall I give you my mobile number, too?
Who is talking? employee and employer
Where the conversation is taking place? at work
3. - Can I help you?
- Just looking, thanks.
Who is talking? client and salesman
Where the conversation is taking place? in the shop
4. - Two large coffees, please.
- White or black?
Who is talking? client and barista
Where the conversation is taking place? in the café
5. - Can you tell me the code for Paris, please?
- One moment. I'll look it up.
Who is talking? two family members
Where the conversation is taking place? at home
6. - I'll give you a lift if you like.
- That would be great! Could you drop me off at the library?
Who is talking? two friends
Where the conversation is taking place? at university
7. - Would you mind opening the window?
- No problem. It's stuffy in here.
Who is talking? two passagers
Where the conversation is taking place? on the train
8.- Could I have extension 238, please?
- That line's engaged. Would you like to hold?
Who is talking? client and secretary
Where the conversation is taking place? in the offcie
1 - Yes sir, I'll bring it right away.
2 - Of course. Oh, shall I give you my mobile number, too?
3 - Just looking, thanks.
4 - White or black?
5 - One moment, I'll look it up.
6 - That would be great! Could you drop me off at the library?
7 - No problem It's stuffy in here.
8 - That line's engaged. Would you like to hold?